Film Updates
Project Update: The Memory Box
February 19th, 2025
FILM COMPLETED🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 (probably)
As expected, the audio for the film took me way less time than the video, although it was still super tedious work. I was lucky enough that I was marking audio ins and outs as I went and editing the dialogue as I saw fit.
If there's one thing I have to say about the sound design for this project, it's THANK THE LORD FOR AUDIOSUITE RX PLUG INS. Here is how they helped:
In the restaurant scene. There was so much background noise. At one point, I had trouble hearing Jackie's line of dialogue, even though the actress Erin was wearing a lavalier mic. RX's Dialogue Isolate completely cut out all of the background noise. What was left was a little downgraded than I would have hoped, but infinitely better than before.
RX De-Rustle helped in multiple spots, especially in the attic scenes. Since we were filming pretty close to the actors, we had to bury the lavs under a few layers of clothing. Sometimes the clothing would hit or slide across the lav; de-rustle completely fixed it.
RX De-Crackle was a lifesaver for the big scene between Jude and Vanessa. Jude's mic was crackling (but not clipping). De-Crackle mostly got rid of the issue, for a couple clips I also had to add on another couple plug ins. There is one spot where RX had to cut the high ends from a word or two, and that is noticeable, but otherwise, it did a wonderful job.
I completely the color grade and added the text for the beginning and end, as well as made some last minute slight changes. I am going to revisit it in a couple days to make sure I am satisfied, as well as send it to a couple film-minded people to see if they have any advice for me.
Now I must work on marketing materials. I plan to make a short trailer and a poster. Will keep updating.
Project Update: The Memory Box
February 16th, 2025
I have finally "finished" the video aspect of this project. Everything has been cut & edited, but I have not color graded some of the scenes (it's actually not real color grading though, since we didn't shoot in log; I mostly mean that I adjusted/need to adjust each shot in a respective scene to create a more cohesive look). I also have not added any text at the beginning nor the credits at the end, but gave space for both of them.
HOWEVER - having what I have now allows me to begin working on the audio, which I'll start tomorrow.
Some of my favorite parts that I've edited so far are below. I added the "2004" to the TV in Premiere, and surprisingly was able to make it semi-realistic using warp distortion and opacity animation. It is only on-screen for a couple seconds, so I'm hoping that no one notices that something looks off. The second set of photos is an example of a match cut, which I utilized a couple times for this film. This shot was actually something I came up with the day of the shoot! I'm very happy with many of the transitions between the scenes.
Project Update: The Memory Box
February 8rd, 2025
Ok, so.... editing is taking a long time!
I wanted to have the film picture locked by the end of this weekend, but that is very unlikely to happen. Today (Saturday), I spent 8 hours just working on the video, and I only finished 2 of the 5 scenes!
I'm learning about all the nuances that come with film editing. Do people really turn their heads in real life as much as my cast does in this film? Having to match each little movement to the next clip is insanely tedious.
This is also insanely fun, however. Whenever I sit down and edit, I remember how absorbed I become in the project, and how satisfying it is to create something I am proud of.
See some film grabs below.
Project Update: The Memory Box
January 28th, 2025
Here is how the film is going so far!
The script was finished mid-November so that I could get my casting call out ASAP.
I sent out a casting call across campus, on Facebook groups, and around Columbus coffee shops. Soon, I had casted three of the four main roles. I had run into a problem I didn’t think of initially - this four person family all had to look similar! So, I sent out another casting call for the last role (Vanessa), and luckily, the very first person to respond was perfect for the character.
I already had a DP to work with me on this project. Through December, I gathered the rest of my crew. I had a table read meeting with the cast, and a preliminary meeting with the crew.
Other tasks I accomplished during pre-production: created shot list, searched for and purchased props and wardrobe, location scouted, confirmed equipment, and created moodboards/references.
Editing process TBA...
Editing is taking me way longer than I anticipated, so I do not have the project picture locked yet. I am hoping to get that done this week.
Detailed Plan: “The Memory Box” Short Film
Purpose: From a young age, I have always been interested in video production, and all aspects of it. From casting to scriptwriting, to field recording to post-production editing, I enjoy every part of it. It’s been my dream to create a short film, but I never had enough resources or people at my disposal to do it the way I’ve truly wanted to. Now, as a college senior that has had to sacrifice much of my creative development in favor of school and work, I want to hone back into this desire that I’ve had for so long.
My hope is that I learn, from start to finish, how to create a film. I am writing the script, casting, directing, location scouting, sync licensing, editing, and much more. Many of these things I have never attempted! I want to understand the process to its fullest extent so that I can walk away from the project feeling as though I have really accomplished something and learned all that I can from the experience.
Audio-wise, I’m looking forward to working on audio for media that I am truly invested in. Not that I have not enjoyed our projects for various scenes during my time at Capital, but the content has never moved me, and that is my main goal in anything that I create. I already have a song by a local artist that I want to include in this project (and I am crossing my fingers that they will let me use it!). I wish to understand best practices for field recording and what equipment is good to use for different settings.
Interest, areas of growth, and areas of solidifying: I think I have a ton of areas of growth for this project! As stated, I have not attempted most of what this project entails on the business side of things. I also think my mixing skills could be greatly improved, especially as it contrasts from the big, loud, and slightly comical scenes we have worked on in class. I think I will solidify some recording techniques and my ability to work with others on a big project.
Goal/outcome: My goal is to have a fully completed short film. I also want to bring the normalization of local music in films. One big thing that gets under my skin is when productions use top 40 songs in their films when a lesser known artist would have been ¼ of the price and would have gained a ton of exposure from it. Personally, I want to gain experience, first and foremost, while also expanding my network within the Columbus film community and creating a project that I am super proud of!
Contribution to the discipline: It is very important to me to pay everyone involved in this project, even if just a little. Most of the people involved in this will be students and will have had little to no experience working on a paid project.
Regarding what I might give back to the audio community, I mentioned that my plan is to use local artists’ music in this film, helping with the scenes’ exposure into other parts of the industry.
Develop a contract for a student to give to the individuals showcasing more of an explanation than a typical contract would have. Explaining their part in the project, showcasing the value of them being paid
Gave participants comfort in their value
Education to individuals
Script done by mid November
Location scouting: mid/end of November
Solidify budget mid/end of November
Communication with cinematographer/crew done by end of November
Shot list
Equipment confirmed/rented/reserved
Format/resolution/aspect ratio
Contracts by end of November
Casted by beginning of December
Props gathered by beginning of December
Crew gathered by beginning of December
Secondary video person?
Boom operator
Secondary audio person?
Shooting mid December to early January
Roughly 4-5 separate shoot days
VOs early January
Post production
ALL audio and video captured by mid January
B roll
Song license by end of January
All of February dedicated to editing
Done by end of February
Who: I, Hope, will be the screenwriter, director, audio and video editor, casting director, location scouter, and music supervisor. Wesley Triplett will be the director of photography, while him and Jonathon Pinkerton will be cinematographers and will assist with video editing. I have several others that are interested in being on crew for this project! The casting call is set to release mid-November (I am 90% sure I have a person confirmed for one of the roles, though). I will require a cast, crew, and most likely will need help with some of the video editing aspects. I will be working with cinematographer for visionary direction and working with cast/crew schedules. There is at least one scene where I’ll need to ask a public place for permission to film there.
Where: In terms of pre/post-production, I will live in the basement of the CMC for much of the next four months. I plan to use Final Cut Pro in the film lab to video edit and Pro Tools in the suites for audio editing. I might utilize Studio E for VOs.
I have begun location scouting already, but there are basically 5 locations where we will need to shoot. Here are my notes on them thus far.
Home with a space that has a room that looks somewhat like an attic or old bedroom
Pizza place/coffeeshop/other public space
Yellow Brick Tavern - reached out to contact
Third Way Coffee
Place where they got engaged
Somewhere downtown perhaps on the bridge
Nativity scene downtown columbus
Their parents’ apartment
Could use my apartment lowkey
Their parents’ first house
Use my Nana’s old house if it isn't sold by then
My parent’s house
I have a ton of people who I could ask. I'm not super worried about this. Could also be the same house as #1 but different spaces.
Why are you using certain processes/tools: I think I’m using a typical process for making a student film. I’ve read about a million articles and I’m more or less trying to follow the book during my first time making a short film. In terms of certain processes for video/audio, I haven’t gotten that far yet. I briefly spoke with Wesley Triplett regarding equipment but nothing is decided yet.
How: With lots of help! Plus, just working super hard to get things done in a timely manner (roughly three-four months). I may need to rent some equipment from the film department - Wes or Jonathon will assist with this. Location permissions I am working on. I will be documenting my whole process.
Obstacles: Need a cast/crew for production. I am sure I could probably get along doing all the post-production on my own, but I will most likely want help. Also, time might be an issue. Everything basically needs to start rolling NOW. Also, I am very afraid that I won’t be able to find cast members I like, or cast members period. I also think the editing aspect of it will take much longer than I am anticipating right now.
Deliverables: 1) The final, completed short film. 2) A behind the scenes video by Hope, documenting the entire process.
Casting Call for a Short Film
By Hope Selah: (614) 678-9267
Hello world! I am making my first short film for my senior project at Capital University. Please see below for more information. As this is a student film, I welcome anyone and everyone that wants to gain experience or try out acting for the first time. Thank you all in advance!
"The Memory Box"
A short film about two siblings who uncover their parents' memory box, piecing together a hidden history of love and sacrifice, revealing a side of their parents’ lives they never knew.
We are looking for one Asian American or part Caucasion/part Asian female role that fits the following description. No prior acting experience required.
(Playing mid 20s)
The older of the two siblings, Vanessa romanticizes her parents' relationship to a fault. She is a daydreamer and an optimist, wanting to believe that love exists despite hardship.
If you believe you suit this role, please email with a video introducing yourself and reading from the role's respective scene, attached below. Please include your contact information in the body of the email. You must be available to film in the Central Ohio area in early January on roughly 4-5 separate days with the possibility of an initial cast/crew meetup and a final watch party. Those involved will be compensated monetarily, but as this is a student film, the budget is quite limited. Thank you all for your time!